VIDEO: Sky-diving magician sets world record with tricks in mid-air

Martin Rees begins his world record attemptMartin Rees begins his world record attempt
Martin Rees begins his world record attempt
Magic is mystifying enough but imagine watching eight tricks in three minutes while the magician floats in mid-air against winds of 160mph.

That is what magician Martin Rees did and he has the world record to prove it.

Members of the Magic Circle watched on as the Hemel Hempstead man completed the feat in an indoor skydiving chamber.

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He used cards, handkerchiefs and even a biscuit to set the record while raising hundreds of pounds for charity Spread a Smile.

Martin Ress proudly shows off his world record certificateMartin Ress proudly shows off his world record certificate
Martin Ress proudly shows off his world record certificate

“I felt an incredible rush of adrenaline when I realised I had done it,” Mr Rees said.

“Setting this world record has taken a lot of training and practice but it has been worth every minute.

“Going into the wind tunnel was nerve-wrecking, I was so nervous about making sure I remembered everything I needed to do and staying in the correct position to fly properly.”

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Mr Rees, who set the record at AirKix in MK last week, was delighted to raise the funds for a charity which is ‘close to his heart’.

Martin Ress proudly shows off his world record certificateMartin Ress proudly shows off his world record certificate
Martin Ress proudly shows off his world record certificate

He said: “For over a year I’ve been visiting Great Ormond Street, University College Hospital and Royal London Hospital with Spread a Smile to perform magic tricks for the children who are being treated and cared for there.

“But the real magic is in seeing the children’s reactions and smiles.

“When I began training for this world record attempt to help raise funds for Spread a Smile. I couldn’t have imagined all the incredible support I would receive from people.”

Next up, Mr Rees will attempt to set the record for the most magic tricks performed on a single skydive when he jumps out of a plane at 12,500 feet in July at Hinton Skydive Centre in Brackley.