The scariest night of the year is no problem for police

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There were no nasty surprises for police this Halloween.

Chief Insp for Dacorum Doug Black said: “I’m pleased to say that incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour related to Halloween were very low this year across Dacorum.

“Additional resources were put in place which saw officers and PCSOs from the safer neighbourhood teams out on proactive patrol alongside two antisocial behaviour officers from Dacorum Borough Council in the areas where there has been issues in previous years.”

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He said that police received reports of just four incidents of eggs being thrown at homes and cars in Hemel Hempstead.

There were no incidents in Tring and Berkhamsted.

“However, on the whole the vast majority of children and young people enjoyed the evening and behaved in a responsible manner.

“In Hemel Hempstead the team were actively engaging with young people, handing out free sweets which had been donated by ASDA, and this approach helped to keep incidents to a minimum,” he said.