Lick your lips for a Taste of Berkhamsted

Shoot Me Studios' photos of Taste Of Berkhamsted, September 2015 2015Shoot Me Studios' photos of Taste Of Berkhamsted, September 2015 2015
Shoot Me Studios' photos of Taste Of Berkhamsted, September 2015 2015
25 food stalls, a tasting tent, live music, cookery demos and children’s entertainment all came together on Sunday afternoon, at the first-ever Taste of Berkhamsted event.

The event, held at Ashlyns Hall, saw hundreds of food-lovers head to town, while stall-holders ranged from the town’s Waitrose store to a range of independent traders.

Proceeds from the event went to both the Hospice of St Francis and DENS.

Thanks to Shoot Me Photographic Studios for the photographs.

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