Last chance for Hertfordshire gardeners to cut back

Do not disturb  nesting birdsDo not disturb  nesting birds
Do not disturb  nesting birds
Nesting season is just starting, so grab the last chance to get trimming but be mindful of disturbing active bird nests, advises Hertfordshire County Council.

The main breeding season for nesting birds is between February and the end of August, so residents should think now about trimming any vegetation which may be blocking public footways and footpaths.

The county council is reminding land and property owners/occupiers of their responsibility to prevent any obstruction to roads, pavements and public footpaths, but also highlighting the fact that it is an offence to disturb the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built.

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Cabinet member for highways, Ralph Sangster, said: “Many footways and footpaths are vital routes around villages and towns and are used by many people in our community – parents with pushchairs, people with impaired vision and mobility aids, such as walking sticks and scooters and the elderly.

“It’s important to help people using pavements to get around safely.”

Herts County Council has a legal duty to protect the rights of the public to use the highway, and this includes requiring residents to remove obstructing vegetation (nests permitting) where safety is compromised.

The council may contact landowners where a problem has been identified and give notice to remove the obstruction or risk incurring a cost for its removal.