Knife-wielding teens rob man of his mobile phone

Police are appealing for witnesses to the attack in WellingboroughPolice are appealing for witnesses to the attack in Wellingborough
Police are appealing for witnesses to the attack in Wellingborough
Teenagers punched a man and stole his mobile phone in the early hours of this morning (Monday, February 15).

The 21-year-old victim was walking down Chartridge Way at around 1pm when two teenage boys approached him from the Pelham Court car park. One of the duo was armed with a knife.

They demanded the victim’s phone and punched him when he refused. The victim ran away, as did the offenders who escaped towards Woolmer Drive.

Their victim suffered a graze near to his eye.

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The first offender, who had the knife in his possession, was of slim build, around 6ft tall, and aged in his mid to late teens. He had a high-pitched voice and was wearing a loose-fitting, dark hoody with a red trim around the hood and navy jeans, worn low down. He was also wearing a dark-coloured scarf and black Nike Air Max trainers.

The second offender was of slim build, around 5ft 7ins to 5ft 9ins tall, and aged in his mid to late teens. He was wearing a dark hoody, navy jogging bottoms and dirty white trainers.

Detective Constable Andy Roseblade said: “Thankfully the victim did not sustain a serious injury but obviously, and particularly when a knife is involved, there could have been far more damaging consequences for the man.

“During the incident the victim yelled out loudly and it is possible someone may have heard this and looked out into the road. I would urge anyone who witnessed what happened, believes they know the identity of the offenders or has any other information about the incident to contact me as soon as possible.”

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Anyone with any information in relation to this incident is asked to contact Det Con Roseblade via Hertfordshire Constabulary’s non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference D1/16/1188.

Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111 or through their Anonymous Online Form at No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will never need to go to court.