Herts Police '˜spend more on frontline officers' says boss

The film festival is being backed by Police and Crime Commissioner David LloydThe film festival is being backed by Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd
The film festival is being backed by Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd
Hertfordshire Police spends more on frontline policing than do similar forces, according to a new independent report.

Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services Value for Money report showed more is spent on police 
officers, staff and PCSOs than in similar forces, 
despite receiving less money from central government.

The study also found 
demand is higher for Herts Police than for similar 
forces, including 999 calls and emergency and 
priority incidents, although there are fewer victims of crime than other comparable forces.

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Police and crime commissioner David Lloyd said: “The report recognises that in Hertfordshire more is spent on local policing than the average, which 
underpins the way we police the county as set out in my police and crime plan.”

The report comes one week after Mr Lloyd told the Gazette he wants to be given more power over the setting of local police budgets 
– including the ability to 
increase council tax.

And Mr Lloyd is also 
bidding to extend his powers so that he, rather than Herts County Council, will oversee the county’s fire and rescue service.

He added: “This report shows policing in Hertfordshire already represents good value for money. I 
believe the ability to raise a little more in the council tax precept – even as low as £1 a week – would give us the 
potential to revolutionise 
policing in the county.”

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