Faith News: Including Mothering Sunday being celebrated across churches today

Mothering Sunday will be celebrated this weekendMothering Sunday will be celebrated this weekend
Mothering Sunday will be celebrated this weekend
The latest news from faith groups across Dacorum.

News from St Alban Church, Warners End

There are exciting times ahead at St. Alban Church, Warners End as the new building and renovation work is just about to start.

The Sunday service is at 10am and everyone is invited along to join in and be a part of the new development.

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A friendly welcome is promised and everyone is encouraged to stay and get to know some friendly people over tea, coffee and a biscuit or two after the service.

Members of the church had some fun in January when a group of them went to Milton Keynes to see the pantomime, Peter Pan.

Another church event was a lunch in aid of the Leprosy Mission where members all brought dishes along to share.

From the donations almost £100 was raised for the Mission. The food was good and the fellowship made it ever better.

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A craft group is currently in the process of being started, based in the homes of members of the congregation.

The aims of the group are to practice skills by making something useful and also teaching those skills to others.

At present a group project is making cushions for the church pews using individual skills of knitting, crochet, patchwork, embroidery or applique work.

News from Saint John’s Church, Boxmoor

For anyone wishing to help with Easter card deliveries, bundles of cards are now available at the back of the church.

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Sign the list if you can do one or two walks and take the bundles for that delivery.

Cards should be folded before being pushed through the letterboxes.

Real Easter eggs are now on sale at the back of the church.

These are the only eggs that tell the Easter story. Please put £4 in the tin provided.

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Friendship teas are for everyone who finds themselves alone on the second Thursday of each month.

Join the next one for fabulous cakes and friendly conversation from 3.30-5pm in the hall. If the weather is bad however, please check first by calling 01442 256216.

Today is Mothering Sunday. At 9.30am there will be a parade all age eucharist during which posies will be given out. All are very welcome to attend.

A Taize evening service will be held at 6.30pm. This is an informal, contemplative and reflective service of silence and chant to enter into God’s presence. All are welcome to come and actively listen for the voice of God.

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Twelve people are needed to volunteer their feet for washing during Maundy Thursday eucharist and washing of the feet.

This service will take place on Maundy Thursday April 2 at 8pm. Please see the vicar if you are interested in participating.

Approximately £690 was raised for church funds at the last quiz night. The next quiz night is on October 10.

Christian Viewpoint

Remember that phrase so often used during the London Olympics and again in Glasgow - he/she gave it his/her ALL? I heard it again the other day in another sporting context. What does it mean? Stretching every muscle, running until one’s lungs are near to bursting, practising every day for hours whatever the weather ... St Paul used similar phrases in one of his letters: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training ... run in such a way as to get the prize ...”. Thinking of Jesus, who in His life and death He gave His ALL, for what? For you and me. Let’s pause and thank Him today – Elmira Masters, South Hill Church

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