It’s official Hertfordshire is the third best place to live in the UK

Luton is a better place to live than it was two years ago. Photo: worldknowing.comLuton is a better place to live than it was two years ago. Photo:
Luton is a better place to live than it was two years ago. Photo:
Low crime rate? Affordable living costs? Decent salaries and fast broadband? It’s not impossible... it’s Hertfordshire.

That’s the verdict of a new study which ranked Herts the third best place to live in the UK.

The uSwitch Best Places to Live in The UK Quality of Life Index assessed 138 UK regions for 26 different lifestyle factors including working hours, life expectancy, hours of sunshine, food and energy bills, disposable income and more.

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And Hertfordshire maintains third place in the overall table and was one of only two areas to maintain its ranking from the last study back in 2013.

Herts sits behind former leaders Solihull which is now second and Edinburgh which has rocketed 97 places from 2013 to the number one spot in 2015.

Down in 138th place and ranked the worst place to live in the UK was the region of Bradford, Yorkshire and The Humber.

Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at, said the report reveals ‘vast differences in the quality of life that many people across the UK are experiencing’.

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She said: “Despite a buoyant UK economy, millions of people in this country aren’t feeling the benefits. We shouldn’t kid ourselves that it’s getting better for everyone out there.

“The reality is that millions of British households are still facing huge financial pressures, with wages barely covering higher living costs. And with talk of interest rates rising, any hope that those financial pressures might ease seems a forlorn one.

“It’s more important than ever that households take an honest look at their household budgets and see if there are savings that can be made. Simply by switching energy suppliers on a regular basis, hundreds of pounds could be shaved off the annual bill. Our quality of life is important and even minor changes could have a positive impact on our standard of living.”

More to life than rankings

While there is more to life than rankings, stats and figures, uSwitch said it’s Qualify of Life Index ‘aims to highlight the vast differences in the experiences of people across the country’.

For more about the study’s methodology, read the full press release

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